
You deserve better security

SecurityDesk gives you the tools and support to protect your business, your customers, and your employees.

We work with companies large and small


Deep expertise & AI acceleration

Better Answers, Faster

Combining our deep technical expertise and the power of AI, SecurityDesk is the solution to providing security insight, support, and assistance to your team.

Using the latest in Artificial Intelligence technology, SecurityDesk is able to provide your team with the information they need to make informed decisions about your security posture. This efficiency allows your team to focus on the most important tasks, giving them the information they need, when they need it.

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Build, manage, and update your security policies

Policy Management

SecurityDesk provides a simple way to build, manage, and update your security policies. We’ll even help you create security policies that fits your business needs with our always growing library of templates.

Our tools allow you to build robust security policies that are easy to find, easy to read, and easy to update, all in one place. Helping you to stay compliant and secure.

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Manage your security incidents

Incident Management

SecurityDesk provides a simple way to manage your security incidents. From coordinating your response to tracking your progress, SecurityDesk is the solution to managing your security incidents.

Managing security incidents is a complex process. SecurityDesk provides a simple way to manage your security incidents, proving a single place and a single source of truth for your security incidents.

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Measure and improve your security posture

Security Scorecard

Our Security Scorecard provides an easy to understand overview of your security posture. Collecting information about your security and compliance programs, we provide a score that is easy to understand and track over time.

This allows you to easily track compliance with your own internal policies, as well as external compliance requirements such as PCI, HIPAA, and SOC2.

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Security & Vulnerability Scanning

Our custom security scanning solution detects more than 100 different vulnerabilities and exposures, providing you with a detailed report of your security posture.

Our scanning solution is designed to be easy to use, and easy to understand. We provide a simple way to track your security posture over time, and provide you with the information you need to improve your security.

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PCI Guidance

Building on our unique Security Scorecard, we provide guidance, evidence collection, and reporting for PCI compliance. Helping you to reach and maintain PCI compliance.

Our PCI Guidance solution is designed to be easy to use, and easy to understand.

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Let's secure your business, together!



  • Quick answers from our experienced security professionals.
  • All SecurityDesk features.
  • Access for all employees.

$45 / month / employee


  • Managed by your own security team.
  • All SecurityDesk features.
  • Access for all employees.
  • Minimum of 100 employees.

$20 / month / employee


  • Customised plans from your unique needs.

Special discounts available for non-profit organisations and members of select community support organisations.
Contact our sales team for more information.